Achievements and Awards
TSKB confidently advances into the future with its award-winning banking solutions and strategies on national and international platforms.
- İstanbul Marketing Awards - Annual Report & Design
- ARC Awards - Illustrations: Integrated AR & CSR: Non-Traditional Gold Award
- The Hammers Awards - Best Team in Social Solidarity Silver Award
- The Hammers Awards - Best Team for Supporting Culture, Arts and Sports Bronze Award
- Sustainable Business Awards - Sustainable Business Reporting Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Use of Social/Collaborative Learning Bronze Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Extended Enterprise Learning Program Bronze Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Employee Engagement Gold Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Unique or Innovative and Development Program Gold Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding Program Gold Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Unique or Innovative HR Program Gold Award
- Aydın Advanced Library and Contribution to Reading Culture Award - TSKB 100th Anniversary Republican Libraries
- EMEA Finance - Best Project Finance Bank in Central and Eastern Europe Award
- İstanbul Marketing Awards - Special Communication Studies for the 100th Anniversary of the Republic
- İstanbul Marketing Awards - Annual Report Design
- Bonds, Loans & ESG Capital Markets CEE, CIS & Türkiye Awards - Local Currency Debt House of the Year
- PR Felis: 100th Year Communication Projects Category Award
- Brandon Hall Excellence Awards: “Best Advance in Coaching and Mentoring”
- Brandon Hall Excellence Awards: “Best Advance in Talent Acquisition Process”
- Brandon Hall Excellence Awards: “Best Benefits, Wellness and Well-Being Program"
- Global Banking & Finance Awards - Türkiye's Best Bank in the Field of Sustainable Development
- Global Banking & Finance Awards - Türkiye's Best Corporate Sustainability Strategy
- WebAward - Standard of Excellence Award in Banking Category
- ARC Awards - Non-Traditional Integrated Annual Reports Gold Award
- ARC Awards - Specialized Annual Reports Silver Award
- Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D) - Low Carbon Heroes Award
- EMEA Finance - Best Project Finance Consultant Award of Middle East and Eastern Europe
- EMEA Finance - Best Structuring Bank Award of Middle East and Europe
- İstanbul Marketing Awards (IMA Gold) - Reshaping Habits
- İstanbul Marketing Awards (IMA Mentioned) - Reshaping Habits
- ARC Awards - Non-Traditional Integrated Annual Reports Honor Award
- Global Economics Awards - Türkiye's Best Sustainability Practices in Banking Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - The Institution that Made the Most Progress in Competencies and Skills Development Gold Award
- Brandon Hall Awards - Best Institution of Integrated Learning Silver Award
- World Finance Journal - Türkiye's Most Sustainable Bank Award
- Global Banking and Finance Awards - The Best Bank of Türkiye in Sustainable Development Award
- ISO 45001:2018 Quality Certificate (FQC) – Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standards
- Low Carbon Heroes Awards - Innovative Sustainable Finance Solutions Award
- Bonds & Loans Türkiye - Islamic Financial Transaction of the Year First Prize
- ISO 27001 Certificate - Information Security Management Certificate
- Euromoney - Best Bank of the Year in Sustainable Finance
- World Finance -Türkiye's Most Sustainable Bank Award
- Banker - Islamic Finance Deal of the Year in Europe
- ASRA - Integrated Report of the Year Bronze Award
- Fast Company Magazine - Sustainability Leaders
- CSR Works International - Ece Börü, Asia's Top Sustainability Superwomen
- Finance for the Future Awards - Investment and Finance Category Finalist
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Project Finance of the Year Second Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Acquisition Finance of the Year Third Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Structural Finance Deal of the Year Third Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Natural Resources Financing of the Year Second Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Syndicated Loan of the Year Second Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Best Bond Deal of the Year Third Place
- Special Award for the Board of Directors Empowered by Women
- EMEA Finance - Best Green Bond in the Middle and Eastern Europe
- EMEA Finance - Best Syndicated Loan in the Middle and Eastern Europe | Tredaş
- EMEA Finance - Best Syndicated Loan in the Middle and Eastern Europe | Aksa Natural Gas and Kazancı Holding
- EMEA Finance - Best Infrastructure Transaction | Galataport
- EMEA Finance - The Best Privatization Transaction of the Middle East and Africa | Galataport
- Thomson Reuters/ International Financing Review - Sustainable Bond of the Year Award
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Structured Financing Deal of the Year First Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - International Bond Issuance of the Year Second Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Financial Institutions Borrowing Deal of the Year Third Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Infrastructure Finance of the Year First Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Syndicated Loan Deal of the Year First Place
- Bonds&Loans Türkiye - Transportation Finance of the Year Second Place
- Euromoney & GlobalCapital - Green/Sustainable Bond Issuance of the Year
- Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D) - Low Carbon Hero Award
- EMEA Finance - Best Infrastructure Project | Kızıldere 3 Geothermal
- BIST Corporate Governance Index - Second Highest Corporate Governance Rating
- CDP - Climate Disclosure Leadership Award
- Bonds, Loans & Sukuk Türkiye - Best Structured Financing Project of the Year | Etlik PPP
- BIST Corporate Governance Index - Highest Score in Survey of Transparency in Corporate Reporting
- Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D) - Low Carbon Hero Award
- TKYD (TCGA) - Organization with the Highest Corporate Governance Rating Award
- TKYD (TCGA) - Organization with the Highest Corporate Governance Rating Award
- TKYD (TCGA) - Organization with the Highest Corporate Governance Rating Award
- Astrid Awards - Sustainability Report Bronze Award
- FT & IFC - One of the Top Three Banks in the European Region for Sustainable Banking
- Stevie Business Awards - Printed Annual Report High Honor Award
- TIREC - Best Solution Partner in the Field of Wind Energy in Türkiye
- New Economy Magazine - Best Investor in Clean Technology and New Energy
- EMEA Finance - Best Brokerage Award
- Euromoney - Europe's Best Energy Infrastructure Project
- Euromoney - Europe's Best Hydroelectric Project
- FT & IFC – Sustainable Bank of the Year in Eastern Europe
- ISO – Supporter of Sustainable Environmentally Friendly Product and Application Projects
- FT & IFC - Sustainable Bank of the Year in Eastern Europe
- FT & IFC - Sustainable Bank of the Year in Eastern Europe
- Euromoney – Geothermal Energy Investment of the Year in Europe
- Euromoney - Project Finance of the Year
- PFI - Infrastructure Project Financing of the Year
- Euromoney - Best M&A
- Euromoney - Best Local Partner
- Euromoney - Türkiye's Best Investment Bank
- Euromoney - Türkiye's Best Investment Bank
- Thomson Bankwatch - Highest Rating in the Banking Category in Developing Countries
- Euromoney - Türkiye's Best Investment Bank
- Emerging Markets Investor Magazine - Best Research Institution of Türkiye