
As a responsible employer, we support the projects undertaken by companies which respect gender equality and equality of opportunity, and make a difference with their women-friendly practices.

Since 2016, we have been extending financing for the investments undertaken by companies which support women's employment as part of our efforts to promote gender equality in Türkiye. We are taking an important step in the field of social inclusion with the funds we obtain from international institutions.

We support women's participation in the economy in order to promote high-quality development. As a responsible employer, we support all investment projects undertaken by companies which respect gender equality and equality of opportunity and which make a difference with women-friendly practices. By extension, we empower those who rely on the power of women.

Our Women-Friendly Company Priorities

  • The goal of maintaining a high ratio of women among employees
  • Activities to raise awareness of gender equality
  • Increased representation of women in upper/middle management
  • Mechanisms to support the balance between business and family life
  • Woman employee representatives in committees
  • Equal opportunities for training and professional capacity building
  • Facilitating practices such as transportation, nursery and a room for nursing mothers
  • Gender equality and equal opportunity in matters such as recruitment, performance and promotion

Financing Model for Women-Friendly Business and Investment Loans

To finance investment projects in accordance with sustainability criteria and the working capital needs of companies operating in Türkiye and which support women's employment and observe gender equality in the workplace.

Project Assessment Women's Employment Management - Tool Technical Support Loan Evaluation Process
Analysis of the financial, economic, technical and environmental aspects of the potential project Determining the policies and practices of companies on women's employment and gender equality in the workplace and implementing gender equality toolkit Execution of training, advisory and awareness projects specific to companies by TSKB in the loan process Structured financing model specifically for the investment


We enable companies to conduct self-assessments in the field of equal opportunities and design action plans to improve their current practices. In this context, we support the implementation of action plans such as implementing equal opportunities for employees from recruitment, revising human resources, ethics and disciplinary policies, improving or creating a breastfeeding room in companies, reducing/equalizing the difference between the salary rates of women and men, and supporting trainings on gender equality. As of the end of 2023, we have improved the working conditions of companies by 35% thanks to the action plans we put into practice.

  • Automotive
  • Textiles
  • Food
  • Retail
  • Medicine
  • Health
  • Tourism
  • Education