
Digital Transformation Due Diligence

In order to create paperless and autonomous factories within the scope of Industry 4.0, all processes along the value chain must complete the digital transformation. By performing the "Industry 4.0 Maturity Test", production processes were analyzed in 6 different dimensions under 18 headings. With the support of site visits, observations and reviews, maturity levels on many different levels such as the effectiveness of a company’s digital transformation strategies and its production facilities, the digital technologies used in the value chain, sensor, communication and big data analytics infrastructure, data collection, processing and end-user integration are given a score of between 0 and 5 points. The situation analysis study conducted sheds some light on what digital transformation projects can be developed, besides being an input to the digital transformation roadmap.

Industry 4.0 Roadmap Consultancy

By making use of the Industry 4.0 Situation Analysis study, the strategies which will allow steps to be taken to develop value-added products and services, new business models and R&D and digital innovation are determined within a long-term vision. Organizational aspects are evaluated by creating SMART targets in order to set out strategies focused on the short, medium and long term. The action plans required to achieve the determined goals are prepared, shaped together with the corporate teams which will be responsible for achieving the goals, and are finalized. Administrative and technical support is provided in drafting the Roadmap report as an official strategy document with the approval and support of the senior management.

Digital Transformation Project Consultancy

By taking the Industry 4.0 Roadmap document as a guide, process models are prepared and digital transformation usage scenarios are created. During the implementation of the determined digital transformation projects, support is provided to prepare the technical specifications, evaluate the compliance of the proposals received from the suppliers with the specifications in terms of scope, and bring the proposals to the same basis. By comparing the offers in terms of price, quality and timing, a view is formed for selecting the right supplier. Checks are conducted into the field application of the projects and the compliance with the specifications, with impartial opinions provided to ensure that the projects are carried out smoothly.