
What is the ownership structure of TSKB ?

Please click here for our ownership structure.

Who are the members of the Board of Directors ?

Please click here for our Board of Directors.

How can I reach the annual reports ?

Please click here for Annual Reports.

How can I reach the Articles of Association ?

Please click here for Articles of Association.

What are TSKB’s mission and goals?

Please click here for TSKB's mission and goals.

Does every shareholder represent equal rights?

Every shareholder represents the equal rights, there are no preferred stocks.

What are the main subsidies and affiliates of TSKB that are being consolidated ?

TSKB A.Ş and its financial subsidiaries Yatırım Finansman Securities and TSKB Real Estate Investment are fully consolidated; whereas İş Leasing, İş Private Equity and İş Factoring Services are consolidated pursuant to equity method.

When does the General Assembly take place?

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting takes place within the first three months of the year according to the Article 364 of the Articles of Association. In extraordinary circumstances, the Extraordinary General Assembly takes place in any time by following necessary procedures.

What are TSKB’s goals in relation to ESG matters?

Please click here for TSKB’s Sustainable Banking page.

How can I reach TSKB’s ESG performance ratings?

Please click here for TSKB's Sustainability Rating Scores.