Our Global Resources
As TSKB, we have been establishing global collaborations in line with our growth targets since the day we were founded, and we have been expanding our presence with the strength we derive from our resources.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
Since its establishment with the support of the World Bank in 1950, TSKB has been closely cooperating with World Bank (IBRD) in order to finance the projects in various sectors, which provide added value to Turkish economy. Through this cooperation, TSKB not only extends direct loans to private sector enterprises but also supports SMEs and exporters with the loans to the financial sector through leasing and factoring companies, commercial banks and participation banks within the scope of wholesale banking (APEX Banking) activities. Recently, in addition to “Geothermal Development Project” signed in 2016 and additionally financed in 2021, TSKB continues to support women employment and development priority regions affected by the influx of Syrians under temporary protection (SuTP) in the scope of the “Inclusive Access to Finance Project Loan” signed in 2018.
European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group)
-European Investment Bank (EIB)
The deep-rooted and ongoing relationship between EIB and TSKB dates back to 1966. Since then, in line with their sustainable development missions and Turkey’s needs, EIB and TSKB have been closely cooperating in various areas by supporting industrial sectors, industrial heat and power autoproduction, industrial pollution abatement, facilities damaged from the earthquake and its after-shocks, SMEs and Midcaps, sustainable tourism, renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource efficiency and environmental investments. Moreover, TSKB has also acted as an intermediary in implementing EIB’s APEX (Wholesale Banking) and risk capital participation loans.
Through the EIB Energy and Environment A/B Loans which have been signed for between TSKB and EIB in 2014 and 2016 respectively, TSKB is providing financing for small to medium sized investments in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and projects that substantially increase the environmental performance of industrial processes in Turkey. These loans have been secured with the guarantee of the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The amount of EIB financing per project should not exceed 50% of the total investment cost. Tenor is determined according to the project that will be financed, minimum tenor being 4 years.
-European Investment Fund (EIF)
TSKB has become a small shareholder of the European Investment Fund (EIF), a part of the EIB Group, in 2006. By invitation of the EIF, in 2015, TSKB has participated in Turkish Growth and Innovation Fund (TGIF) with a EUR 20 million commitment. Furthermore, in 2016, TSKB has signed the InnovFin Agreement with EIF to enhance access to finance to innovative SMEs and small Midcaps in Turkey with the support of a guarantee provided by EIF.
KfW Development Bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau - KfW)
Following the signing of the first agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1969, TSKB and KfW has concluded their first loan agreement.
Having celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2019, TSKB and KfW have been supporting Turkey’s sustainable development journey since the very beginning in line with their development missions. In this regard, TSKB and KfW continue their joint mission by financing various areas such as industrial pollution abatement, municipal infrastructure as well as renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource efficiency in line with the combat against with the climate change.
TSKB and KfW have also cooperated in Wholesale Banking (APEX Banking) operations to provide financing to SMEs through financial intermediaries.
While TSKB and KfW increase simultaneously their cooperation in other areas under various international initiatives, they have also enriched their cooperation via employee exchange and technical assistance programs.
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Collaboration between TSKB and IsDB dates back to 1980. Our business cooperation stated with mediation activities of IsDB’s capital investments to firms in Turkey. Then, in 2010, negotiations started with IsDB in order to determine the appropriate financing model, and as a result of the negotiations, it was decided to apply the “Restricted Mudaraba” financing method. Provided USD 220 million financing to Turkey, used in financing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and also has become a successful model that applied in other countries and takes part in IsDB’s Success Stories.
Council of Europe Development Bank - (CEB)
Since 2004, TSKB is closely cooperating with the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) for financing the investments of micro, small and medium sized enterprises around Turkey in order to create new employment opportunities or maintain current levels of employment. TSKB provides financing to SMEs through financial leasing companies as part of its Wholesale Banking (APEX Banking) operations.
Agence Française de Développement -(AFD)
With the long lasting relations between TSKB and French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement, AFD) since 2005, financing support has been provided to eligible projects in the fields such as SME, energy, and sustainable tourism in the past. Following a loan agreement signed with AFD in December 2016, TSKB added “Women’s Empowerment” in addition to "Occupational Health and Safety” to its funding themes. As a continuation of this loan, TSKB signed an agreement with AFD in 2019 to finance the investments of the companies in various sectors, which support gender equality in the working environment or committed this with action plans, and provide opportunities for women to join the workforce.
Japan Bank for International Cooperation - (JBIC)
The cooperation between Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and TSKB dates back to 1985 and deepened in 2000 with the loan aims to support the SMEs damaged by the earthquakes, continued with “GREEN” loan in 2015. With this loan, TSKB provides funds to support energy efficiency and renewable energy investments that will increase Turkey’s energy generation capacity, while ensuring transition to a low carbon economy. In 2022, the “JBIC GREEN 2” loan agreement signed within the scope of financing of renewable energy and energy efficiency investments targeting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and projects supported by advanced technology.
International Finance Corporation - (IFC)
International Finance Corporation (IFC) had become the second largest shareholder of TSKB in 1963 with a 15% share and has continued to be among the TSKB’s shareholders until 1979.
While TSKB has secured its first subordinated loan from IFC in 2004, the cooperation between two institutions has been accelerated through a senior loan agreement in 2012 and strengthened on the following years with further senior loan agreements in 2013, 2015 and 2017 where TSKB has continued to support renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, green building, R&D and innovation and other climate specific investments. In addition, in 2022 TSKB signed a senior loan agreement with IFC to increase women's access to financing and employment opportunities in Turkey and to promote gender equality practices in companies.
TSKB has also participated at IFC’s Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP) in 2011 that enhanced TSKB’s capacity to finance international trade operations.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank - (AIIB)
TSKB signed its first loan agreement with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in 2018 that is the newest MDB established in 2016. This is the first financial intermediary to borrow on-lending facility from AIIB to finance private sector investments. Borrowed under the repayment guarantee of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the loan will be extended for the financing of renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation, energy transmission, waste water management and telecommunication investments by private firms all around Turkey.
The cooperation between AIIB and TSKB was expanded in 2020 with the signing of the “Covid-19 Credit Line Project”. The loan provided under the repayment guarantee of Ministry of Treasury and Finance aim to support the working capital needs and liquidity constraints of the Turkish companies operating in the infrastructure and other productive sectors that have been negatively affected by Covid-19 pandemic.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - (EBRD)
Cooperation between EBRD and TSKB started with the agriculture loan agreement signed in 2011. With the increased cooperation in the coming periods, loan agreements related to renewable energy, energy efficiency and resource efficiency projects were signed in 2014 and 2017 respectively. In addition to that, we also cooperate with EBRD under Risk Sharing Facility Framework in terms of cofinancing. With this cooperation a framework agreement was signed in 2019 and this enabled us to cofinance up to EUR 100 million in total. In 2022, we signed Green Economy Financing Facility (“GEFF”) loan agreement with EBRD within the scope of financing green economy investments in Turkey, including energy efficiency and renewable energy investments of the firms made for the aim of combating climate change.
China Development Bank - (CDB)
TSKB signed its first loan agreement with the China Development Bank (CDB) under the sovereign guarantee in 2019. This is the first loan extended by CDB to Turkey under the guarantee of the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance as well as being the first long-term loan in Turkey. The loan is also provided as part of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, which is being carried out by the People's Republic of China, and aims to support manufacturing industry, SME, energy, infrastructure, health and education projects in Turkey.
Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank - (OeEB)
Development Bank of Austria (Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank, OeEB) and TSKB signed a loan agreement in 2014, by which TSKB supports the investments of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.