
Mithat Rende

Board Member

Born in 1953 in Antakya, Mithat Rende graduated from the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Ankara. After graduation he worked in the Ministry of Commerce and then was admitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he held posts in Damascus, Rome, Brussels (NATO), Sofia, Vienna (OSCE) and London. Ambassador Rende also served as the Director of the Human Rights Department at the Ministry after completing the post-graduate program in Security and International Relations at the London-Royal College of Defence Studies. In 2005 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Energy Environment and Water Affairs, served as Chairman of the Trade and Transit Working Group of the Energy Charter Conference in Brussels between 2005 and 2008, and was appointed as Ambassador to Doha (Qatar) in 2007. Ambassador Rende served as Director General of Multilateral Economic Affairs and Turkey’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change between 2010-2013. He was also a member on the Turkish Nuclear Energy Commission during the same period. Ambassador Rende was appointed as the OECD Permanent Representative of Turkey in 2013, and was elected as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the OECD in 2014. He retired in 2016 and since April 4, 2017 has been a member of the TSKB Board of Directors.