
High Technology Can Only Be Attained Through High Targets

4 May 2018
- 3 min Read

The 17th Forum Istanbul was held on 3-4 May under the theme "5 to 2023: The World and Turkey". Speaking at the session on 'Industrial Transformation: High-Tech Production', Burcu Ünüvar, the Head of Economic Research at TSKB, emphasized the spheres of influence of industrial transformation in Turkey. Ünüvar said the transformation process highlighted added value, resource efficiency and inclusive growth. "People transform, the industry transforms, and a country transforms. High technology can only be attained through high targets."

Forum Istanbul 2018 was held on 3-4 May under the theme "5 to 2023: The World and Turkey". The conference was well attended with sessions held for two full days, including discussions on the Turkish economy with the participation of sector professionals, bureaucrats and academics. Speaking at the second-day session on 'Industrial Transformation: High-Tech Production', Burcu Ünüvar, the Head of Economic Research at TSKB, elaborated on the transformation in the economy that had been triggered by Industry 4.0.

Ünüvar said the basic elements of economics remained unchanged even as industry and technology changed rapidly, and added that human capital was still a key element. "The production factors in each country play a significant role in its future plans. The competitiveness of these production factors gains ever increasing importance with each passing day. To attain success in any field, it is crucial to adopt a medium-term perspective in planning inclusive and sustainable growth.

"The Industrial transformation should be prioritized"

Burcu Ünüvar said the production factors in each country played a significant role in its future plans. "Industrial transformation is an area that needs to be prioritized in Turkey. However, it should be noted that this transformation is the result of transformation in many other fields. In other words, what we actually discuss when we talk about the industrial transformation is a transformation in education and in distribution, added value, resource efficiency and inclusive growth. We have a long 'to-do' list. The 'to-do' list is also a 'can-do' list. I mean it is possible to make a huge difference for the Turkish economy through accurate planning and resolute steps. Humans transform, the industry transforms, and a country transforms. The fact remains that high technology can only be attained through high targets."