
Students take their first step into the finance world with TSKB’s Career Workshop

9 May 2014
- 2 min Read

40 students participated in the 5th TSKB Career Workshop, organized on 24-26 April 2014 this year. Managers from different units provided information about development and investment banking as well as business life for the students, who developed their first projects in the finance world at the end of the training sessions.

The first privately-owned development and investment bank of Turkey, TSKB (Industrial Development Bank of Turkey) organized its Career Workshop for the 5th time, offering university students a real banking experience. Organized on 24-26 April 2014 this year, the Career Workshop was attended by 40 students, comprising third- and fourth-year students from the business administration, economics and industrial engineering departments of universities whose language of education is English, and master’s students studying finance or economy. Participants had the opportunity to develop various banking projects in teams during the TSKB Career Workshop, which gave students a chance to become familiar with business life and gain experience by undertaking model duties. During the workshop, students were given training on business life, soft skills and sustainability

As part of the event, TSKB managers from different departments of the bank shared with the students their knowledge and experience about development and investment banking and the finance world.

Participants developed special projects in the area of development and investment banking during the three-day Career Workshop. The projects so developed were presented to the jury comprising the executive management of TSKB and the students competed for the first place.

Known for its sustainability practices in the banking sector, TSKB included an advertising agency in the “Sustainability Workshop”, organized as part of this year’s career workshop, and brought the event to an even higher level of professionalism. Together with the advertising agency, the students divided into groups and worked on “TSKB’s sustainability approach design”. Leveraging the preliminary information provided, the students designed a poster and an application for this poster to be used in the social media.

Çiğdem İçel, Executive Vice President of TSKB responsible for Treasury and Human Resources, commented that the TSKB Career Workshop offered significant opportunities not only for students but also for the bank itself, and said: “Thanks to the Career Workshop, we helped students take their first step into professional life for the 5th time this year.

We believe that the TSKB Career Workshop, which we designed to grow our existing human resources with newly-graduated candidates for the sustainable development and growth of our bank, provides an important meeting platform for our bank and students.

Thanks to the workshop, new graduates join the TSKB team every year, representing 3-5% of our banking personnel. And with this year’s workshop, new candidate managers will be joining our bank, filling the candidate manager positions.