
TSKB is a signatory of a wide array of different declarations and principles, especially within the scope of our commitments in the field of sustainability.

  • KAGIDER "Equal Opportunity Model" (EOM) Certificate
  • The IDFC Climate declaration 
  • The declaration of the transition to a low carbon economy created by the members of European Long-Term Investors (ELTI) within the scope of COP21
  • Women's empowerment principles (WEPs)
  • GRI Global Report Initiative
  • CDP Carbon Disclosure Project
  • CEB Council of Europe Development Bank
  • The Joint declaration of energy efficiency realized in partnership with the EBRD and UNEP FI
  • Global Compact Türkiye Sustainable Finance Statement
  • A founding signatory to the UNEP FI Principles of Responsible Banking
  • Signatory of the World Development Banks Joint Declaration (FIC)
  • Signatory of the Declaration on Combating Climate Change (FIC)
  • Signatory of the Declaration on the Conservation of Biodiversity (FIC)
  • Signatory of the Declaration of Gender Equality (FIC)
  • Signatory of the Declaration on Gender Equality and Justice (IDFC)