
TSKB takes both consumption figures arising from in-bank activities and indirect risks and contributions arising from our lending services into account in the environmental and social impact management process.

Managing Our Internal Effects

We received the ISO 14001 Certificate shortly after establishing the Environmental Management System in 2005. Since 2008, we have been performing Net Zero Banking in Scope 1&2 emissions, and we have achieved this not only by measuring our carbon footprint but also neutralizing our carbon footprint. Since 2012, we have been undergoing annual audits within the scope of the ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Management Standard. In this context, we have determined our 2011 level emissions, calculated with the implementation of the regulatory and preventive activities carried out in 2012, as the base value.

Managing Our Banking Impacts

We believe that the most important issue for financial institutions within the scope of environmental and social risk is the measurement and management of indirect risks and contributions arising from service activities. With this approach, we measure the environmental and social risk of each Project, to which we will provide loans, regardless of the investment amount. In this measurement, we use our own Environmental and Social Risk Evaluation Tool (ERET).

In instances where the environmental risk exceeds the average and/or the risk is found to be high, we structure a plan cooperation with our customers on how the environmental impacts will be reduced and monitored. 

The SDG Mapping of Loans

Within the scope of the “TSKB Loan Themes-Sustainable Development Goals Matching Project”, we measure the compliance of the financing provided by our bank within the framework of certain loan themes with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With this activity, which we initiated on a limit basis in 2018 and updated in 2020 to bring a risk-based perspective, we methodologically measure our contribution to sustainable development by examining the relationship between the loans we offer to the business world and the 17 SDGs. While providing an overview of the current situation with this study, we also design our future financing plans in connection with the SDGs. In this vein, we work in cooperation with the financial clubs and development finance institutions which we are members of.