
TSKB’s Bahrain branch obtains a club deal of USD 40 million

13 February 2008
- 1 min Read

Turkey’s first private investment and development bank TSKB (Industrial Development Bank of Turkey) has signed a new club deal through its Bahrain branch. The loan has been received at an interest rate of Libor+35 base point from the international markets. For the arrangement of the deal, 4 MLAs (Mandated Lead Arrangers) were given mandate under the coordination of Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG on December 5, 2007.

MLAs in the international consortium set up for the club deal are Mashreqbank PSC, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG, Rabobank International and WGZ Bank AG.

In April 2007 TSKB had also signed a club deal of US$195 million, with a term of 1 year and with the participation of 13 MLAs, and the deal had likewise received great attention from the international banks.