
“Women Stars of Tomorrow” perform at the 47th Istanbul Music Festival

26 July 2019
- 4 min Read

14 young women musicians found eligible for support from the “Women Stars of Tomorrow” : Young Women Musicians Support Fund”, launched in cooperation between TSKB and the İKSV within the scope of the Istanbul Music Festival, performed again this year. The young musicians took to the stage in the concert, where world renowned violin virtuoso Ayla Erduran participated as a guest artist within the scope of the 47th Istanbul Music Festival.

The highly talented young female musicians, who benefited from the “Women Stars of Tomorrow” : Young Women Musicians Support Fund”, which was launched in cooperation between TSKB and İKSV within the scope of Istanbul Music Festival, performed before the audience in a grand concert. The revenues raised from the “Women Stars of Tomorrow” concert, which was held at the Boğaziçi University Albert Long Hall on Tuesday, 25th June were transferred to the Young Women Musicians Support Fund.

During the concert, violin virtuoso Ayla Erduran also accompanied the Women Stars of Tomorrow. Under the “Chat shows about the Concert”, held before the concert, moderated by the journalist and writer, Murat Yetkin, the world champion national aerobics gymnast, Ayşe Begüm Onbaşı shared her personal success story to inspire the audience about equality of opportunity.

“We work to increase women's employment in every field we touch.”

TSKB has been one of the supporters of the Istanbul Music Festival since 1990. It has participated as an education support sponsor for the “Women Stars of Tomorrow” project within the scope of social responsibility activities aimed at empowering women.

The General Manager of TSKB, Mr. Suat İnce, stated that as a bank, TSKB supported Turkey’s development goals with the work it carries out on the basis of sustainability and inclusion. He said that “we believe that equal participation of women in economic, social and cultural life is a prerequisite for social progress. We have taken responsibility for equal opportunities over many years. As a bank where more than 50% of its employees are women at all levels, we take responsibility for increasing female employment in all sectors where we touch.”

“We believe that we will take an important step in the development journey with every woman participating in production.”

Mr. İnce provided some information about TSKB's work on women's employment and continued as follows: “As a Bank, we support women’s active participation in social and economic life with our financial support and consultancy services, which we offer to the private sector with the theme of equality of opportunity. We shape our corporate policies with this understanding. While the ratio of women in the total employees in the companies we provide support to has increased significantly, we are also committed to maintaining our sensitivity in the areas of equal opportunity and women's employment. We want to change the lives of more women by multiplying our contribution in this area through our social responsibility projects, because we believe that we will take an important step in the development journey with every woman participating in production. With this perspective, we help girls at university gain a better education and step into the business life with the "From Education To Production" Scholarship Fund, which we implement with TEV (Turkish Educational Foundation). Again within this scope, we help our young women musicians represent our country in the national and international field of culture and the arts with the ““Women Stars of Tomorrow” ” Education Support Fund, which we have implemented within the scope of the Istanbul Music Festival.

Young female musicians are pursuing their dreams with the ““Women Stars of Tomorrow” ” project.

Another 14 young women musicians will benefit from the “Tomorrow’s Female Stars: Young Women Musicians Support Fund” this year. The musicians identified as a result of jury evaluations were listed as follows.

  • Elif Ece Cansever - violin
  • Nilüfer Sude Güçlü - violin
  • Pelinnur Işıkçı - piano
  • Sinem Karasu - cello
  • Duru Önhon - violin
  • Ece Nur Özer - bassoon
  • İdil Pulat - cello
  • Müge Sak - violin
  • Berfin Saysel - harp
  • Deniz Şensoy - violin
  • İdil Sezer - viola
  • Sevgi Varol - bassoon
  • Esengül Yıldız - violin
  • Hacer Cansu Yüksel - clarinet