Committees and Working Groups

Committees and Working Groups

At TSKB, joint decisions are taken by giving consideration to suggestions from employees through committees and working groups which consist of employees from all levels.

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The “I Have a Suggestion” Platform

The “I Have a Suggestion” Platform

Our Human Resources management constantly encourages the participation of our employees in work processes through transparent communication channels which are available to receive suggestions and opinions from our employees.

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Grievance Mechanism

Grievance Mechanism

We listen to all kinds of opinions, suggestions and complaints which may come from either our employees or our customers.

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Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employee Satisfaction Survey

We gauge the opinions of employees with online surveys on a variety of subjects, including HR practices, periodically every year.

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Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey

Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey

Our Bank carries out an Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey once a year with a joint team of employees from the Human Resources and Enterprise Architecture and Process Management departments.

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HR Representatives

HR Representatives

A Volunteer HR representative, who is elected by each department in a democratic voting method, listens to the opinions and suggestions of their teammates regarding current human resources practices through open communication and ensure that current HR practices are transparently conveyed to the teams.

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Fifth Month Onboarding Meetings

Fifth Month Onboarding Meetings

We hold 5th Month Evaluation Meetings with all our newly recruited employees.

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TSKB on Campus

TSKB on Campus

We attend lectures, fairs and panels at universities in order to carry out strong employer branding activities and meet new talent.

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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Culture Development

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Culture Development

At TSKB, we care about bringing experience and innovation together with the common mind.

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CEO Young Consultants

CEO Young Consultants

In our CEO Young Consultants project, which brings our bank’s CEO together with our young employees from different disciplines, our CEO meets our young colleagues and tells them, for the purposes of this exercise,

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Reverse Mentoring

Reverse Mentoring

With the Reverse Mentoring program, we re-learn from young employees. Our aim here is to support mutual learning, to strengthen communication and synergy between generations.

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Awards and Memberships

Awards and Memberships

We were awarded the Equal Opportunity Model certificate (KAGİDER FEM Sertifikası) in recognition of our policies and the women-friendly practices which we have implemented in the working environment.

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